Last Friday (12-2-2010)
My friends from NS finally came back for Chinese New Year break! So... Welcome back guys!
Last Saturday (13-2-2010)
I'm hanging out with Nicholas Chen, Chee Hoe and Marjan at Jusco. Well, Chee Hoe didn't really change much... Only that his haircut was bald and he looks a bit slimmer. Anyway, we went for breakfast at kopitiam then went for bowling. After that, we went for steamboat at Johnny's Restaurant then buy McDonald's ice cream... Actually, I felt bad for not belanja them eat McFlurry but I didn't bring enough money... So, I have to kept on calculating my money which makes me looks stingy... Let's forget about it. Later, we loiter around the complex and finally we took some photos b4 we left. Here are some photos.Later at night, I had my reunion dinner with my relatives. That was a really delicious dinner and especially "Yee Sang", it is quite delicious and also had a lot of those fried stuff (I don't know what it called). Well, time for me to go... Bye~!
Perkahwinan mencantumkan sejumlah perbezaan: jantina, usia, fizikal,
pengalaman, latar belakang, kegemaran, cita rasa, jalur pemikiran dan
senarai panjan...
4 weeks ago